Old Major

Once again, The LoHi Area is home to another of Denver’s newest and hippest restaurants.  LoHi foodies celebrated the opening of “Old Major,” the latest concept of Katie O’ Shea and Juan Padro.  This time, Katie and Juan are partnering with Chef Justin Brunson owner of Masterpiece Deli, to create a LoHi restaurant featuring contemporary farmhouse cuisine, or as their tagline says: “Seafood, Swine and Wine!” 

Already the buzz is picking up about this great new restaurant.  Even before Old Major opened its doors, local critics were anticipating the unique menu, comfortable atmosphere and quality service.  Of course, Katie and Juan’s record of success and Chef Brunson’s expertise in the kitchen didn’t hurt.  As long as a year ago, Westword was already writing about Old Major.  Chef Brunson was quoted as saying, “I think this is a restaurant that’s going to be great for Highland,” Brunson predicts. “This is where my career really took off, and I think there’s a need for high-end bistro fare up here. It’s been a long time coming, and the space is nothing short of awesome.”
Now that the doors are actually opened and customers are flocking to sample the fare, other critics are starting to pay attention as well.  For example, check out a recent story about LoHi’s latest addition in the Denver Post.

We at the Stasko Agency have had the pleasure of working with Katie and Juan to promote their other restaurant, Highland Tap and Burger.  It is a thrill for us to see their continued success in the LoHi Area.

One of our biggest goals at the Stasko Agency is to help promote the LoHi Area and its ever growing list of merchants.  It’s such an amazing neighborhood with fantastic restaurants, a thriving arts scene and or course there’s our popular nightlife.  If you have any information you want us to pass along regarding events, activities, openings or closings in LoHi, please leave us a message here or email us directly at Lu@staskoagency.com.

For those of you who are LoHi residents, you can make a reservation at Old Major by emailing Mary@oldmajordenver.com, just put “Friend of Katie and Juan” in the subject line.  They’ll take care of all your dietary options as well. 

Keep supporting local LoHi businesses and we’ll keep getting the word out to the rest of the Metro Area about Old Major and the rest of the businesses in our gem of a neighborhood.

For more information about Old Major, visit:
or find them on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/OldMajorDenver
You can also follow them on Twitter: @OldMajorDenver

We had another great turnout for our second LoHi merchant meeting last month at Linger. I was amazed again at the diversity of businesses represented and the number of new faces interested in joining our fledgling association. Special thanks to Linger Owner and Chef Justin Cucci, for allowing the merchants to sample the restaurant’s innovative menu and tour the unique space on a night when Linger is normally closed. The view from Linger’s patio is one of the best in Denver and well-worth checking out.

As a longtime Highland business owner, I’m excited about so many merchants joining forces to more effectively market everything our neighborhood has to offer. One idea that we’re still working on is the creation of a welcome basket for new residents. The “basket” would contain a variety of gift certificates and merchandise from local vendors to help introduce new residents to the neighborhood and educate them about the services and products available. I am looking for help to coordinate this project, so if you’re interested, please let me know.

We also discussed the idea of launching a LoHi shuttle that would run from downtown to Highland, stopping at the major business districts in the area. The shuttle could help attract tourists from downtown hotels and would drive business without adding more congestion to the neighborhood. I’ll keep everyone posted as we work on making this concept a reality.

Lastly, I’m excited to announce that we’ve secured a URL for the merchant group and hope to develop a website soon to promote our activities. I’m also sending out updates on events and discounts through the new “Merchant Messenger,” so if you have something you’d like me to include, please let me know. The best way to reach me is via email – lu@staskoagency.com

Our next meeting will be held from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. on September 26th at Spuntino, 2639 W. 32nd Ave. I hope to see you there!