
Let Your Photos Tell The Story!

Angie Larson Energy healer Crystal bed Light worker Energy spiritual awakener Retreats

Americans are increasingly turning to alternative therapies to maintain their health and wellness. In fact, in 2016, the New York Times reported that U.S. spending on alternative and complementary medicines and procedures was $30.2 billion annually.

While consumers are embracing alternative health options, marketing an alternative wellness business can still be a bit tricky. Alternative treatments often require a lot of explanation or can be met with skepticism. That’s why Angie Larson, owner of Intrinsic Wellbeing turned to The Stasko Agency for help.

Our YES (Your Evolution Story) service turned out to be a great fit for Angie, whose business had evolved from offering services focused on physical wellness to include others emphasizing mental and spiritual health. In particular, Angie needed help explaining her work as an energy healer.

We developed an easy-to-understand presentation tracing Angie’s journey to energy healing with compelling visuals so potential clients could better understand this unique service and its benefits.

Since Angie’s website mainly featured stock photos, we also spent time capturing images of Angie in action to better illustrate her story and persona. We knew that having authentic photos of Angie would also help build her Internet profile and drive traffic to her site.

Finally, we created an online sparkdeck  and a hardcopy book of the sparkdeck for Angie to share with her potential clients and students.

Through this process we uncovered Angie’s passion for sharing her skills with other practitioners who want to add spiritual work to the services they offer their clients. To that end, Angie has launched classes to teach energy healing. We’ll be working on outreach to other wellness providers to educate them about Angie’s new offerings.

If your business has evolved or you simply need to find a new way to reconnect with your audiences, we’d love to help. Our YES service is a great way to identify your key messages and determine the best way to convey those messages to the people you most want to reach. For more information visit www.staskoagency.com.

Angie is hosting an AMAZING Transformational and Healing Retreat May 28 – June 4th, 2022 in Marina Chacala, Nayarit Mexico  –  Click here for more information Retreat .